The end of the school year has passed so quickly. CINEC is very happy and proud of all the Grade 12 students for moving on to their next adventure. Students, you have worked hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embrace life with passion, and keep reaching for your stars. Congratulations graduates!
Let’s join us in celebrating this year’s graduating class. Here are some articles covering this year’s graduation ceremonies.
A Farewell to our Fellows and Teachers – Nanmo BCOS
The 2020 school year has been a special one with the entire world facing an unexpected pandemic and the situation that resulted from it, but it is also the year that all the graduates from the class of 2020 are going to celebrate their accomplishments and life journey at Nanmo, so they can then move on to their next life adventures.

Grad Speech from Ms.Mercer – Jiaxing BCOS
Today is a symbolic day – graduates, I hope that when you put on that gown and when you finally figured out how to pin that hat in place, that you felt it – felt the excitement that bubbles up, the thrill of achieving goals set, the anticipation of new beginnings and adventures yet to take place.
I want you to harness that excitement and I’d like to begin by offering you my heartfelt congratulations. You’ve earned this.

Graduates, I hope you cherish the memories we’ve made with one another. I hope you carry the life lessons you’ve learned at BCOS, and wherever you go, whatever you do, know that you belong to this school community and it will always belong to you. Congratulations again to the class of 2020, may you all find success in the next journey that awaits you!
Let’s Not Say Goodbye – 2020 Graduation Ceremony – CSW BCOS
Graduation season has arrived and all high school students will graduate before this summer ends and enter their new university life. On the 19th of this month, the graduation ceremony of the Canadian Secondary Wenzhou was held as scheduled in the lecture hall of the school. On this day, grade twelve students, school leaders, and all teachers and students attended the graduation ceremony. Due to the impact of the epidemic, parents could not arrive at the scene, so we used an online live broadcast method to achieve the parents’ wish to watch the graduation ceremony.

The graduation ceremony started with a short film. The video was produced by the grade twelve students and their parents. The video showed the memories of students who were about to graduate, and their daily life with the teachers and classmates. All of Grade twelve students recalled their memories in a photo gallery style video. Some of them were laughing and some of them were crying. Every teacher who taught them prepared a video that showed their benediction and wished them doing well in college.
This graduation ceremony marked the end of a period for students from Class 2017. The high school life of the 2020 graduates is over, and they are about to meet a more diverse future.
Grad 2020 – What a Year! – Luwan BCOS
Mr. Mark Wuerch
Luwan BC High School Principal
As Principal of any high school will tell you that one of the most anticipated and rewarding experience for them in any school year is graduation. This year has been a most unique experience for me in that it was the first time I was involved with Luwan graduation and I had to watch it from a distance because of COVID-19. While this required a lot of planning from a distance, the grad was a great success for our students.

In my pre-recorded message to the graduating students I said, “One thing that is for certain – this graduation year 2020, will be remembered for a long time.” To be sure, this year has certainly been one of unforeseen challenges for all stakeholders. But I was particularly impressed by how our grade 12s – our Luwan BC grads of 2020 were able to rise to the challenge and perform exceptionally well throughout this year.
We congratulate all our Class of 2020 students and wish them nothing but the best of success in all their future endeavours.