Professional Development
CINEC believes that teachers are lifelong learners. Professional Development and other learning opportunities equip them with the tools and knowledge they need to help students reach their full potential.

CINEC offers on-site training through workshops for our offshore teachers and instructors, providing opportunities for discussion and dialogue regarding innovative teaching strategies and classroom management, as well as enhancing teaching practices. As well, our professional development programs give foreign instructors and teachers in all subject areas the opportunity to observe and participate in actual classroom settings in schools in British Columbia and elsewhere in Canada.
The program not only provides for a wider global perspective in teaching methodology and pedagogy, but also aims to support optimum learning, and enhance professional judgment and decisions that are in the best educational interests of students.

Phone Number: 1-604-608-6188
Address: 1060-320 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 0G5 Canada

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