One of the most important decisions a student makes when moving out of high school is definitely choosing the right university program. Choosing the right program is actually more important than choosing the right university. Most post-secondary institutions in Canada can provide a quality education, but not every program can open the doors to a good career.
Average salary and job prospects often weigh heavily on this decision. The following table ranks university programs by average salary, based on the most recent study of the Canadian job market. Unsurprisingly, engineering came up on top of the list, and Arts & Humanities came up on the bottom.
10 Highest Average Salaries by Field of Study

10 Lowest Average Salaries by Field of Study

The data for females follows a similar trend. If you would like to see the average salary for other university programs, please see the link in the reference at the bottom of the page. For more detailed analysis of any university program including information like % of graduates who find a suitable job and job trends, you can use the following website( Stay tuned to our Wechat for more detailed analysis of overall job trends in Canada and China.
After graduating from a Canadian university, foreign students have the option of getting a work permit to stay in Canada for an additional three years to gain valuable work experience. From there, you could apply for permanent residence in Canada or seek employment back in China. Please subscribe to our WeChat for a future article with more details about the process of getting a study visa, permanent residence and becoming a Canadian citizen.
2020 Statistics Canada Study, found at: